

Hi! Today I'm gonna introduce how Russian drink vodka.

Since Russia is very cold, this country has developed own alcohol culture. Like, they often drink vodka which basically consists of 40% alcohol to keep them warm and this was indispensable for them to survive in Russia. The most strongest one is 96% by the way, which is called "SPIRYTUS".

Then, the way to drink is also interesting. They never drink vodka little by little but drink straight up after pouring in a shot glass. And they often eat pickles with it, drinking even liquids of pickles to avoid hangover.
Besids, vodka has to be as cold as frozen so it has much body but it's not actually frozen because it almost consistes of alcohol.

And, of course, saying cheers is a vital ritual when you drink. In Russian, cheers is "за здоровье" meaning "to health". Vodka is not good for your health though. They often die because of the excessive drinking.
So the moderaition is very important, drinking occasion is fun thing though. And you should drink with your responsibility, othewise play more video games. 


             Hey! I'm Toshi. And I will post  my book reviews and what I
want to share about the book in this blog.
The book I chose is "Drinking Occasions", which consists of 7 chapters, like when,
where, how people drink and why it matters etc.


Do you like to drink? Then, here's a tip to deepen your knowledge.
If you don't drink much, please share information to friends of yours.
Oh, you're not old enough? Then, prepare for drinking reading this blog!
That's why this blog is aimed at everyone. Please feel free to read it.