

Feeding a pet human food

           Today, I read  a certain article, "For Pets, It's Fat Thursday With Pies, Dressing Under the Table" from the wall street journal.  It was adout feeding pets human food and danger about that. According to the article, some human foods like breads, chocolate and sugar are quite risky and "more than half of all dogs and cats are overweghit, Mr. Ward's research finds, yet owners don't always realize it." Owners might just want to share tasty foods with their small families but pumpering like that could be  dagerous to them.
           If you noticed your pets gaining weight, you should take some measures but you keep in mind that there's no faster way. I mean, like human beings, diet and exercise work the most to lose weight. Then you can restrict the amount of intake or go outside for a walk as solutions and it is also necessary to care about garbage because pets eat refuse without your notice. They don't have an interest to choose healthy stuff by themselves like children.
          I hope this helps you!


