

Food Charity

 Second Harvest Japan and Food for all

  I compare these two food charity organizations

  • What are their main activity/events?
They are food charity organizations so, of course, they forcuss on providing food with people who really need. For exanple, food bank and harvest kitchen.

  •  How do they deal with the problem of food waste?
They collect it like canned food, frozen food and so on in order to reuse. They never waste food. That's the spirit of food charity.

  •   How would you be able to help/volunteer for these organizations?
 There are a few options. You can contribute to Second Harvest Japan donating food and money. On the other hand, you can offer money and routine stuff like clothing for Food for all. 
  • Which group seems to be the most active?
 It is deafinitely Second Harvest Japan. You can tell that by latest postings and because its website is very coloful, it looks more active.