

Last Book Review

Partner : Miki
Book's Title : Dining in Japan

Summary of its content : In this book, many Japanese foods and Japanese customs  are written. Also, we can learn some recipes and the way of behaving.

What she liked best about the book : I like the part of Japanese holidays. It helps to spread Japanese customs to foreign people.

Some of the book's flaws : There is no remarkable flaws.

Two Questions
Why did you choose this book? : Because she wants to tell about Japanese foods and customs.

Do you want to try some recipes by yourself? : Yes she does. That's one of the reasons why she decided to read this book.

Whether I would be interesed in reading the book. : Yes. That's because I sametimes realize how I don't know about Japanese stuff and I also want to come to explain of that to foreign people.


Restrant Review

Restaurant Accessibility?    3/5
Walk ways maintained?    5/5
Attractive?    5/5
Outside facility?    3/5
Inside facility?    4/5
Restrooms?    5/5

Uniforms clean?    5/5
Uniforms dressed appropriately?    3/5
Friendly?    4/5
Positive?    4/5
Polite?    4/5
Speed?    3/5

Menu?    3/5
Attractive photo?    3/5
Arrangement?    5/5
Taste?    5/5
Price high/low?    4/5
suitable for the meal?    4/5

Overall impression          9/10